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Today i cashed out my 4th payment on Neobux. This time i cashed it out using Paypal. I requested $5.02, but received only $4.92 into my account.

I've found out that Paypal charged a $0.10 fee for transferring the fund.
Anyway, it's still worth cashing it out.
Like my previous cashouts using Alertpay, i received my payment almost instant upon request!
Neobux totally rocks!

If you're still not a member of Neobux, then don't get left behind!
As you can see, i received 4 payments already.
So what are you waiting for?
Join Neobux now!


Edwin Sanchez said... @ January 30, 2009 at 7:15 PM

Hi! Congratulations for your instant payment. I'll have my 3rd one soon. I agree that Neobux rocks

Bogcess said... @ January 30, 2009 at 8:38 PM

Thank you! Your 3rd? That's great! No one can beat Neobux's Instant Payment.

entreprenuer said... @ January 31, 2009 at 8:44 PM

Hello, are you interested in a blogroll exchange? I'll add your site here http://onlinemakingmoney.info/blogroll/ if you are interested. Please add mine http://onlinemakingmoney.info (Make Money Online) is the anchor text and
kindly provide me with yours.

Thank you,

entreprenuer said... @ January 31, 2009 at 11:25 PM

Thank you! added you to my blogroll :-)

Anonymous said... @ February 7, 2009 at 1:06 PM

I was wondering If you're interested in a blogroll exchange as well.

My blog is http://thebuxtruth.com

If you are, email me. verticall@live.com

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