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This term is valid on Feb. 10, 2009

Join to any Pay-To-Click (PTC) site listed on this blog.
Always use my blog as a reference when joining any PTC sites.
Remember, i will pay $1.00 for every 199 clicks you make.

Upon joining the PTC programs, subscribe to my blog (e-mail, reader, rss, feeds, anyway you like. don't worry, it's free!).
After subscribing, e-mail me at
bogcess@ymail.com regarding which sites you have joined including your exact username that you used in joining so that i can confirm and record it.

When you reach 199 clicks on a specific site, i'll pay you $1.00 directly to your payment processor. Payments are made via Alertpay or Paypal.

Because of the massive spreading of PTC Scam Sites, i must first verify if the specific site on which you have joined and accumulated 199 clicks is really a paying site. Or in some cases, some PTC sites have a very long delay paying period. So I must first be paid by the PTC site in order for me to pay your accumulated clicks.

Terms are subject to change from time to time.

If you agree with my terms, then we have no problem.
So what are you waiting for?
Join my Pay-To-Click Programs now!

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