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Today I received my 1st MixBux Payment Proof. Maybe this will be my last MixBux payment too. I'll be deleting this site due to its poor cashout system. It has a daily payment limit that has irritated me previously. And not to mention their TOS! Upon receiving your 1st payment, you must invest in order to cashout again. I feel that i just got really lucky to get paid by this site. Main reason is because I requested the money on their server refresh time. But in fairness to MixBux, the payment was made instant. Upon request, I immediately received it. I requested $5.16 from my main balance, but MixBux charge a fee of $0.50 for every cashout so i got $4.66 straight into my alertpay account!

Thank you MixBux and Goodbye!


afdafad said... @ February 14, 2009 at 7:13 AM


InfoLancer said... @ June 29, 2009 at 12:29 AM

I have crossed the $3 mark in Mixbux but when I click on Request Payment, it does not show an option to withdraw.
It also shows my investment as $0
Can you please guide me on how to request payment and also tell me how much time do they take to give the payment.
my id is bhagwat.agarwal@gmail.com

Bogcess said... @ June 30, 2009 at 5:22 PM

@Infolancer - I think the minimum cashout option for MixBux is $5. Besides, I deleted this ptc months ago because of reported scams. If you want a list of paying ptc sites, check my updated list.
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