Admin says:
As you know, we had a problem with database.
There was only one way to solve it, we hade to take back database from 22 February.
We have lost over 1 thousand users and some of them have ordered things on Uno.
So, please register again and send a ticket with transaction details and ordering details.
We will add to your account missing things manually.
And users who lost their rented referrals, please check your Rent Balance, you should be able to Rent Referrals again.
Also, all users will be compensated for missing days.
Just be patient."
(source: UnoBux Forum)
I was shocked seeing this afternoon that my account dropped more than 20 cents.
I hope I'll be included in the compensation too.
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you are on my "LINKS" and not on my blogroll since my link on your blog is on it's own page.
Cheack it out and I updated your URL
you are on my Link and not on my blogroll on this blog, because my link on your blog is on its own page.
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