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Previously, I made an article on how to get your site indexed on google. Now I'll teach you how to submit your website on one of google's greatest search competitor. The Microsoft Bing search engine!

Bing Homepage

Just like from other search engines, you can grab tons of traffic from bing. Getting your site indexed here is a must plus it's very easy to do!

So how do you get your site listed on bing? You can submit it manually or you can upload an xml file using bing webmaster center. Just provide the needed information and you're all set.

Usually it takes 3 weeks or more to get bing bots crawl your website after submission so just be patient.

Would you consider getting your site inside bing's search directory?


Eihdra said... @ April 17, 2010 at 1:48 PM

Thanks for sharing. It was indeed very easy to get indexed on Bing..

Bogcess said... @ April 17, 2010 at 6:08 PM

@EihdraG: You're welcome! Yes, it is very easy to get indexed on bing if you submit it properly. Goodluck!

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