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Today, I withdrew my 12th payment from neobux which amounted $20.36, received $19.96 ($0.40 deducted for withdrawal fee) straight to my paypal account.

Yes, this amount is smaller compared to the previous withdrawal I made from neobux. I wasn't supposed to withdraw until it reaches $50+ but I had to buy something online and needed the extra funds. So this really came in handy.

See all my neobux payment proofs here.

If you're still not a member of the world's number one pay-to-click site, click the banner below to sign up:


Last week, I received an update from one of my former favorite ptc site, Bux.gs. Apparently, I got fed up from this site because I thought it went scam too.

Today, I am re-adding this to my list of everyday clickables.

I earned a decent amount from this site including the $20+ that I haven't posted here.
See my Bux.gs Payment Proofs here.

The one thing I noticed is that there are a lot of advertisements to click once clicked, it doesn't refresh on a daily basis. I hope they fix this soon.

I clicked all of the ads and noticed that I already reached $1 amount of earnings.

If you're still not a member of this ptc site, click the banner below to join:


This morning, I got an unexpected payment from Bukisa, which amounted to $4.32.

Not sure what the payment is for though. I'm thinking it's for my affiliate referring efforts to the site.

Still, it's still a small blessing so I just accepted it.

To learn more about this site, click the banner below:

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